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December 5
12-1PM ET

Featured Speakers: Jennifer Garner and John Foraker, Once Upon a Farm

Disruption for a Healthier Future—Improving and Expanding Nutritious Options for All Ages

December 5, 2023     |     12:00-1:00PM ET

What do an A-list actress and a respected organic food industry executive have in common? Their desire to provide tasty  and nutritious “farm-to-family” foods to kids of all ages. During this Your Next Move virtual session, produced in partnership with Capital One Business, hear Jennifer Garner and her co-founder John Foraker discuss how they work together as a team to bring healthy and nutritious options to kids across the country and what they're working on next.

Jennifer Garner
Co-founder and chief brand officer, Once Upon a Farm
John Foraker
Co-founder and CEO, Once Upon a Farm

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