3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Playing the Longevity Game

Speakers: Jim Donnelly, co-founder and CEO, Humanaut Health; Pita Navarro, co-founder and chief science officer, Evvy and Mark Rivers, CEO, Canyon Ranch
Moderated by Tom Foster, editor-at-large, Inc.

Lifetime longevity is a field driving cutting-edge science as well as potentially enormous opportunity. Consider the addressable market: One in six Americans is now over the age of 65, and the older population in the U.S. is growing faster than it has at any time since the 1800s, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Worldwide, the number of people over 80 is expected to triple by the year 2050, according to the United Nations. In this session, we'll discuss the big business of helping consumers at every age prepare and even train for living deep into their 80s, 90s, 100s—and potentially beyond.

Jim Donnelly Pita Navarro Mark Rivers